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On June 6, 2024, an international workshop focused on cross-border cooperation among Critical Infrastructure Managers across Europe was held online. Organized by the Institute for Corporate Security Studies (ICS), the workshop took place online. Milan Tarman, a representative of ICS Ljubljana, delivered the opening speech, followed by Aljoša Pašič, the Sunrise project coordinator, who introduced the Sunrise project.

Max Kesselbacher then presented a lecture on the CI Awareness and Resilience Strategy.

Following the initial presentations, participants engaged in discussions to promote cross-border cooperation, exchange best practices, address common issues, and explore ways for CI managers to support each other during crises.

The discussions were structured into four round tables, chaired respectively by Gilda de Marco, José Miguel Blanco, Marko Potokar, and Milan Tarman.

After a brief pause, the moderators—Gilda, José Miguel, Marko, and Milan—presented the reports and key findings from their roundtables.

The insights from these discussions will enhance the understanding of the current operational environment for cross-border cooperation, identify existing gaps, and propose solutions to address them.

The workshop concluded with closing remarks from project coordinator Aljoša Pašič.