Welcome to issue five of the SUNRISE LinkedIn newsletter series. SUNRISE is an EU-funded Horizon Europe project that aims to…
Welcome to issue four of the SUNRISE LinkedIn newsletter series. SUNRISE is an EU-funded Horizon Europe project that aims to…
Welcome to the first edition of the new SUNRISE LinkedIn newsletter series. This newsletter will be published on a quarterly…
SUNRISE Scientific Publication To Pass or Not to Pass: Privacy-Preserving Physical Access Control SUNRISE partner AIT published a paper in…
SUNRISE AT THE SECURITY research event 2023 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM The SUNRISE Project attended the Security Research Event in Brussels, Belgium…
The EU-funded SUNRISE project marked the end of its first year by participating in the European Commission’s Security Research Event…
SUNRISE Scientific Publication RiBAC: Strengthening Access Control Systems for Pandemic Risk Reduction while Preserving Privacy SUNRISE partners AIT and IMA…
SUNRISE Scientific Publication Aggregate Signatures with Versatile Randomization and Issuer-Hiding Multi-Authority Anonymous Credentials SUNRISE partner AIT published a paper in…
SUNRISE Scientific Publication Threshold Delegatable Anonymous Credentials with Controlled and Fine-Grained Delegation SUNRISE partners AIT published a paper in IEEE…
SUNRISE Scientific Publication Model Generation and Origin – Destination (OD) Matrix Forecasting for Metro Systems SUNRISE partners UPM published a…