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Introduction: The SUNRISE project is spearheading innovative solutions to enhance the resilience of critical infrastructures across Europe. At the core of our contributions is the development of the RiBAC (Risk-Based Access Control) terminal, a cutting-edge access control system designed to mitigate risks during pandemics or other potentially disruptive events. As we gear up for the next phase, this blog highlights our preparations for the first stage of the pilot trials, where the functionality and usability of the RiBAC terminals will be tested in real-world environments.

About the RiBAC Terminal: The RiBAC terminal is an advanced access control system that integrates several crucial modules designed to ensure safety and compliance with pandemic-related health measures. These modules include:

  • Access Control Module: Standard access control functionalities ensuring secure entry to CI facilities.
  • Protective Tools Detection Module: Verifies if users are wearing necessary protective equipment like masks.
  • Temperature Detection Module: Conducts non-contact temperature measurements to detect potential fevers.
  • Vaccine Credential Detection Module: Validates digital health credentials to ensure users meet vaccination requirements.

The terminal’s innovative design is built to seamlessly integrate with existing access control systems, offering enhanced security without disrupting existing operations.

Project Goals: The primary goal of the SUNRISE project is to bolster the resilience of critical infrastructures within the EU, ensuring that these essential services remain operational even during pandemics. By implementing the RiBAC terminals, we aim to minimize disruptions and maintain the continuity of operations in facilities such as hospitals, industrial sites, transport hubs, and universities.

Current Focus: Pilot Trials As we move into the pilot phase, our team is preparing to deploy up to ten RiBAC devices at various strategic sites of CI operators collaborating within the project in three different countries (Italy, Slovenia and the Czech Republic). The primary objective is to validate the terminal’s performance and gather feedback on its usability, reliability and effectiveness.

Preparations for Installation:

  1. Assembly of Terminals: Our team at IMA has finished assembling the first batch of five RiBAC terminals and is currently performing final test to ensure each unit meets the required standards of quality and functionality.
  2. Installation Sites: We are coordinating with CI operators to determine optimal locations for terminal installation, whether on walls or desks, to ensure maximum efficiency and accessibility.
  3. Customization: Each pilot may have site-specific functional requirements. For example, at the University Medical Centre in Ljubljana (UKC), one of the pilots will focus on ensuring that doctors exiting the operating theatre return their used surgical gowns. Such customizations are crucial for the terminal to meet the unique needs of each environment.


  • June to July 2024: Initial deployments & installation of the RiBAC terminals.
  • July to August 2024: Execution of pilot trials and collection of data.
  • August 2024: Analysis of pilot trial results and report delivery.

Conclusion: The pilot trials are a significant milestone for the SUNRISE project, bringing us closer to deploying our innovative RiBAC terminals across Europe. By enhancing access control systems with pandemic-specific functionalities, we aim to ensure that critical infrastructures remain resilient and secure in the face of future challenges.

Stay tuned for updates on our progress and the outcomes of the pilot trials. Together, we can build a safer, more resilient Europe.

Written by: Jan Orlicky, Institut Mikroelektronickych Aplikaci (IMA)



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