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In the context of the Sunrise project we were able to enter in active collaboration with the European Partner as Insiel and Friuli-Venezia Giulia region technological partner with the aim to adopt and integrate new technologies, tools and methodologies which will allow us to track and monitor with more focus and attention assets and systems that could attract more cybercriminals activities and could be easily exploited by potential threat actors in order to exfiltrate the data belonging to our fellow citizens.

The cooperation relies on multiple sectors all about the Cybersecurity field each of them of great interest for Insiel and its Cybersecurity Task Force that is charged with the responsibility for the defence of the data and information belonging to the Friuli-Venezia Giulia citizens.

Cyber Threat Intelligence may be a first field to deep dive because of its proactiveness in the cyber defence topic, the activity of Cyber Threat Intelligence can stop the threat before it impacts on our asset with an attack that could compromise the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the data of the Region Friuli-Venezia Giulia citizens. The project carried on during the sunrise project in cooperation with the European Partner has developed a platform integrate with the MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform) currently adopted by Insiel that quickly provides information about the current threats in the field of the Cybersecurity as IoC (Indicator of Compromise) shared by different partners that can be integrated with our defence infrastructure to stop the attacker at the initial access phase.

Risk Assessment is another theme in high demand by Insiel as it can provide strategic insight on future threats or attacks. In this context the strategies and methodologies developed by the European partners give to the cybersecurity Task Force of Insiel an outline on potential impact scenario that allow the specialists to proactively adopt the proper countermeasure to protect the infrastructures and networks belonging to the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region.

Further cooperation’s that involved our Cybersecurity Task Force are about the integration inside our company infrastructure of an Anomaly Detection system based on self-supervised Machine Learning models that can early detect potential attacks against our networks and infrastructures. The Insiel’s Cybersecurity specialists provide data and information about potential attacks and violations to the European Partners to reinforce the reliability of the Machine Learning system and training the self-supervised algorithm and follow them during the integration with the data flow coming from our applications or network infrastructures.

A special mention goes to the drafting of a research paper entitled “LOMOS: Runtime Security Monitoring Fit for the Cloud Continuum” that deals with the Anomaly Detection system described above that sees the company as Partner in the integration of the system.

The Incident Response and Management process has been another essential topic that was carried on by the European Partner to provide a suitable solution to the Insiel’s Cybersecurity Task Force that concerns the artifacts collections and Incident reporting after a cyberattack. The project can provide to our specialists a centralized system where to save artifacts and information after an Incident and automate the generation of a report intended for the rapid deployment to the authorities.

The cooperation between Insiel and Sunrise Projects with its Europeans Partners proven to be a great opportunity for our organization to growth in cybersecurity competencies and develop more robust infrastructure to the defence of citizens data. The collaborations with the European Partners rich of competent experts on the Cybersecurity field provide our specialists with a lot of opportunity and tool that can automate and orchestrate cybersecurity analysis processes to reduce the alert fatigue problems and increase their focus on current threats that can arm the company and Friuli-Venezia Giulia region.

From our point of view Sunrise Project is a great opportunity to establish a long-term collaboration with European Partners to develop and increase a common and durable defence against cyber threats.

Written by: Lorenzo Gorza, INSIEL S.P.A (INS)

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