European Cluster for Securing Critical Infrastructures (ECSCI)
SUNRISE is a member of the European Cluster for Securing Critical Infrastructures (ECSCI). In recent years, there have been increasing instances of cross-border crises, including climate change, natural disasters and global health threats. In these emergency situations, society’s critical infrastructures are crucial and therefore require large-scale planning for preparedness and response. The European Commission has recently funded many projects to work on different aspects of critical infrastructure protection, some of these projects have come together in the ECSCI cluster. While each project has distinct aims and challenges, they all work towards a common goal.
The ECSCI cluster will aim to create synergies and foster emerging disruptive solutions to security issues via cross-projects collaboration and innovation. Research activities will focus on how to protect critical infrastructures and services, highlighting the different approaches between the cluster’s projects and establishing close and productive connections with other closely related and complementary Horizon Europe projects.
The cluster will also organise international conferences and national or international workshops, involving both policy makers, industry and academic, practitioners, and representatives from the European Commission. Currently available results and publications can be accessed by clicking here.
For more information about individual projects you can visit their websites using the links below.
ECSCI online workshop on collaborative standardisation and policy making for greater CI resilience in Europe.
At the end of the year, 5th December, 2023, the European Cluster for Securing Critical Infrastructures (ECSCI) organised an online workshop focusing on collaborative standardisation and policymaking for greater critical infrastructure resilience in Europe.
The goal of the workshop was to gather different perspectives on European critical infrastructure resilience and form a joint strategy for efficient and effective collaborative standardisation and policymaking in this area.
Groups that participated in the workshop, consisted of: Critical Infrastructure Operators (from all sectors), closed and active EU-funded research projects (Horizon Europe), Standardisation Bodies and Policymakers and EU Think-Tanks.
1st EU-CIP Annual Conference “Reinventing Resilience” For European Critical Infrastructures
On September 20-21, 2023, the EU-CIP consortium held its 1st Annual Conference in Brussels, focusing on ‘Reinventing Resilience’ with co-organization by ECSCI.
The event introduced the project to 90+ stakeholders, fostering dialogue on ideas, solutions, and challenges within the global CIP/CIR ecosystem. The conference, aligned with a European Cluster for Security Critical Infrastructures workshop, featured 11 projects presenting results for enhancing CI resilience.
Participants, including EU Commission speakers, infrastructure representatives, researchers, and security providers, discussed diverse topics on resilience, assessing current landscapes and emerging threats.
Key takeaways on CIP/CIR community requirements were gleaned for project partners’ future considerations.
Active Projects in the Cluster:
Atlantis pROJECT
Improved resilience of Critical Infrastructures against large scale transnational and systemic risks
Description: Critical infrastructure sectors are of vital importance for the functioning of a society and economy – from energy and transportation to healthcare and food production. Their protection from all types of threats, including natural and synthetic, unintentional and with malicious intent, is top priority. In this context, the EU-funded project ATLANTIS is addressing resilience at the systemic level against major natural hazards and complex attacks that could potentially disrupt vital functions of the society. Bringing together 39 European partners with complementary roles and skills, ATLANTIS is improving the resilience and the protection capabilities of interconnected critical infrastructure exposed to evolving risks. It is also increasing resilience through novel, flexible, and customisable security measures and tools.
Duration: 3 years (October 2022 – September 2025)
Programme: Horizon Europe
• Website:
• LinkedIn: Invitative has been running since 2018 to support European ICT standardisation experts in their work in international standardisation organisations (SDOs). Under its current 2026 Programme, the project runs 9 Open Calls offering direct funding for 300+ European professionals developing new ICT standards, revising existing ones or supporting the work of technical committees and working groups.
Duration: 3 years (January 2023 – December 2025)
Programme: Horizon Europe
• Website: | 2026
• LinkedIn: (1) Overview | LinkedIn