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Trieste Trasporti Srl


Brief Biography of Partner

Trieste Trasporti, as part of the regional consortium TPL FVG, operates the Local Public Transport service in the Trieste Area. The company is shared by the Municipality and the Arriva. Arriva is the largest European operator in the sector with approximately 40,000 employees and is fully controlled by Deutsche Bahn.

Trieste Trasporti operates and manages the bus services in the Trieste region serving 70 million passengers every year. Additionally, they manage the ferry Service within the Gulf of Trieste which operates two lines: the annual Trieste-Muggia connection and the seasonal Trieste-Barcola-Grignano-Sistiana which reached about 80,000 passengers in total in 2020. Finally, the organisation is also responsible for managing bike sharing and the on-demand transport service within the area.

Partner’s Role in the SUNRISE project

Within SUNRISE, Trieste Trasporti will contribute to the Italian cluster of CI operators bringing their knowledge and expertise to the project. In addition to their cluster role, they will also participate in and support the design of the project’s technical tools and support the impact generation, communication, dissemination and policymaking activities.