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Squaredev BV


Brief Biography of Partner

Squaredev is a Belgium-based SME focusing on AI systems and research. The company’s purpose is to use technology to improve people’s lives research artificial intelligence research and by building systems that provide actionable and explainable intelligence.

Squaredev’s services can be applied in several domains such as e-health, financial, IoT and cybersecurity. Leveraging their expertise in Big Data Analytics, Graph Technologies and Machine Learning Squaredev empowers their products with cutting-edge technology for guaranteed results and reliable decision-making. Squaredev is a solution provider with teams consisting of tech experts on four branches of Artificial Intelligence: Computer Vision, NLP, Graph Data Science and Explainable AI (XAI).

Partner’s Role in the SUNRISE project

Within SUNRISE, Squaredev is a technological partner contributing to several technical activities in the project and assisting with support the requirements engineering and design specifications of the SUNRISE technical tools.

Squaredev will lead the orchestration of activities for the project tool assigned to Demand Prediction and Management. They will define the concept for the demand prediction and management and lead the integration of results into the tool. Additionally, Squaredev will contribute to the definition of common data formats and schemas for CI topology, provide AI-based insights for demand prediction and develop a GUI-based tool offering a parametrization dashboard.